Dysport® is a FDA-approved injectable muscle relaxer which is highly effective at temporarily relaxing the muscles which cause lines and wrinkles to form on our faces. There are several types of lines which respond well to Dysport® including the lines between the eyebrows (frown lines), crow’s feet, and forehead. Frown lines are caused by repeated movements of the muscles of expression so even young people can have such lines. Starting young and relaxing your muscles with repeated injections several times a year may help to slow down the signs of aging. If these lines are already present, this injectable is a great option to temporarily erase the lines associated with aging.
Typically, one unit of BOTOX® equates to 2.5 units of Dysport®.
We have heard this question asked hundreds of times. The answer is simple. One way to treat those stubborn persistent lines like the horizontal forehead lines, vertical lines between the eyebrows and the nasolabial folds is to combine the relaxing powers of Dysport® and the filler powers of Restylane®. This combination can reliably increase the effects of both injections.
As we age, many of us experience lines and wrinkles from the activity of the normal muscles of expression. These lines can give a person an aged, angry and tired appearance. Injectable muscle relaxers, such as Dysport® and BOTOX®, are highly effective at temporarily relaxing the muscles which cause these aging lines to form on our faces. Our experienced injectors can gauge the amount of muscle relaxer required to achieve a more natural result and avoid a frozen appearance which is common when the injections are overdone.
Aldo Guerra, MD, FACS
Dr. Aldo Guerra trained specifically and extensively for a career in cosmetic plastic surgery. After completing his plastic surgery training he passed the qualifying examination to become board certified in plastic surgery by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has over 15 years of experience practicing plastic surgery.
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