BOTOX® is a FDA-approved medicine which is capable of temporarily relaxing the muscles causing wrinkles and lines to form in the forehead. BOTOX® can be used very effectively on the lines between the eyebrows (frown lines), the crow’s feet around the eyes, and forehead. These lines are caused by repeated movements of the muscles of expression so we often see these occur in young people. Starting young and relaxing your muscles with repeated injections multiple times per year may help to reduce signs of aging. When the wrinkles and lines already exist, this injectable is a great option to temporarily erase the lines associated with aging.
As we age, many of us experience lines and wrinkles from the activity of the normal muscles of expression. These lines can give a person an aged, angry and tired appearance. Injectable muscle relaxers, such as Dysport® and BOTOX®, are highly effective at temporarily relaxing the muscles which cause these aging lines to form on our faces. Our experienced injectors can gauge the amount of muscle relaxer required to achieve a more natural result and avoid a frozen appearance which is common when the injections are overdone.
Aldo Guerra, MD, FACS Dr. Aldo Guerra trained specifically and extensively for a career in cosmetic plastic surgery. After completing his plastic surgery training he passed the qualifying examination to become board certified in plastic surgery by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has over 15 years of experience practicing plastic surgery.
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